How Lemonpath collaborate with clients to ensure best in class quality standards

Written by Edward Stapleton


After being awarded a job, a meeting is arranged with the client to fully understand the packing requirements, all components of the gift are brought to the meeting and the following steps are followed,


  • All elements shown to all attendees, back and front. All codes agreed.
  • Gift constructed and all stages agreed by Customer. Final gift produced to look as agreed by the Customer.
  • Position of all labels agreed.
  • Photographs taken of back and front of all contents to show artwork and product sizes.
  • Codes read out and agreed for barcode on presentation box, MAP 80 carton labels information.
  • If all agree the item is correct and quality standards are met it is labelled as black/gold seal and is to be kept.
  • Finished Product Specification sheet produced and sent to Customer for approval. No packing is commenced until signed sheet returned to Lemonpath accepting all elements of packing the gift.


How Lemonpath collaborate with clients to ensure best in class quality standards